Frequently Asked Questions
What is the meaning behind Down to Earth?
We believe that Down to Earth highlights the authenticity that is absolutely essential for building a strong and genuine connection between people, that allows for an authentic exchange of emotions, thoughts, and vulnerabilities that fosters trust and understanding. The wordplay with Down to Earth also feels quite amusing and thought-provoking! It beautifully illustrates how being rooted in our authenticity can create a solid foundation for our relationships.
What is relational therapy / a relational therapist?
Relational therapy is a thoughtful and person-centred type of therapy where the main goal is to cultivate and build a strong, meaningful therapeutic connection with each client. Although this transformative journey is fundamentally not about the therapist themselves, a relational therapist may occasionally share parts of their personal experiences as a reciprocal element of the relationship. Carl Rogers, the innovative creator of person-centred therapy, asserts that there are three essential pillars to this approach that I wholeheartedly believe are also true when it comes to relational therapy: congruence, which involves being genuine and transparent; unconditional positive regard, which emphasizes acceptance without judgment; and accurate empathetic understanding, which reflects the essence of truly connecting with a client’s feelings and experiences.
How do I get started with therapy?
Please take a moment to submit a submission form under the Contact section of our website, and kindly explain briefly what you’re seeking in terms of therapy or what specific qualities you are looking for in a therapist. Once we receive your submission, our response to you via email will include a link to a no-cost initial consultation. The consultation will help us determine whether you, you and your spouse, or your child/youth, and I will be a good fit for one another!
How do I pay and schedule appointments?
Your payments are seamlessly processed through a user-friendly software system known as Jane, which makes managing your payments convenient and straightforward. You are welcome to choose between credit card transactions or e-transfers that suit your preferences. Following each payment, you will receive a detailed receipt, ensuring that you have all the necessary information for your records. Appointments are also scheduled through Jane, providing you with a convenient platform that allows you to manage your schedule effectively. Additionally, you can set up the software to send you friendly reminders about your upcoming appointments, helping you stay organized and on track.
How long should I be in therapy for?
The length of therapy can vary significantly depending on each individual and the specific challenges they are seeking support with at any given time! Some folks may find that they need approximately 8-10 sessions to address their concerns effectively, while others may choose to remain on my roster for an extended period. This allows us to connect and work together whenever they find themselves in need of additional support or guidance during life's ups and downs.
How often should I see my therapist?
At Down to Earth, we recommend that you initially see your therapist within a timeframe of 1 to 3 weeks. This allows for the establishment of a strong and trusting relationship between you and your therapist, ensuring that you receive the supportive care you are seeking as promptly as possible. As you begin to notice improvements in various aspects of your life, you are more than welcome to start spacing out your sessions gradually over time. On the contrary, if you find that you’re in need of increased support during any challenging moments, opting for weekly or biweekly sessions can prove to be quite beneficial. If you're ever uncertain about how frequently you should schedule your appointments, don't hesitate to ask your therapist for their recommendations based on your unique situation.